12 April 2013

Debate Topics

1. Money is the biggest motivator of people at the workplace.
2. Homework should be assigned every day to primary school students. 
3. Television is better than books as tools to improve English language skills.
4. Cable TV has done more damage than good.
5. The library will eventually dissappear one day.
6. Home schooling should be strongly supported by governments.
7. Physical education should be compulsory in universities.
8. Universitty tuition fees should be paid for by the government.
9. Spending time on extracurricular activities is more useful than focusing on academic subjects.
10. Who does your future depends on: You or your family?
11. The detailed description of crimes/murders in mass media has done more harm than good.
12. Parents should interfere in who their children have romantic relationships with.
13. Are you for or against young couples kissing in public places?
14. Street food stalls should be cleared from all streets in Hanoi.
15. Students who use Facebook are just waiting much of their time.
16.  Are the Olympic Games a waste of money?

17. Should all African conflicts be handled by African countries themselves, and not by third parties?
18. Is our nation still unprepared for disasters?
19. The U S Government subsidy of the arts should end or not?
20. Should skateboards be prohibited on sidewalks?
21. Should minorities be treated differentially?
22. Schools should ban junk food or not?
23. Should 16 year old people be allowed to get a tattoo? Or other speech ideas on for example ear and body part piercings?
24. Fast food restaurants do more harm than good. Agree or not?
25. Could a President serve for more than a term?
26. Should the use of animals in sports and entertainment be banned?
27. Should there be a curfew for people under 18 years to reduce crime?
28. Hollywood movies have a good influence on the world or not 


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